This is an official notification from VITAL HERBAL.

We want to bring to your attention that we have authorized a seller on the Amazon marketplace, namely TRAN THI KHANH HUYEN, with the following credentials:

We confirm that TRAN THI KHANH HUYEN is an authorized seller of our products on Amazon, and they have our full authorization to sell our entire range of products. We have carefully verified their credentials and can vouch for the authenticity of the products they offer.

When you purchase VITAL HERBAL products from seller TRAN THI KHANH HUYEN on Amazon, you can trust that you are receiving 100% authentic and genuine products directly from our brand.

Please be cautious when making purchases and ensure that you are buying from authorized sellers to guarantee the authenticity of the products and to receive the high-quality standards that VITAL HERBAL is known for.

This authorization is valid from January 4th, 2023 and will expire on January 4th, 2026.

For any concerns or inquiries related to our authorized sellers or products, please feel free to reach out to our customer support at

Thank you for your continued trust in VITAL HERBAL.
