Familiar Herbs And Spices Available In Your Fridge For Weight Loss

Most of the people who want to lose weight complain about the diet food being too simple and bland. Making a healthy choice is a must in a weight loss program, but making healthy food delicious is in our hands. If we can make our diet food delicious, the reason we hate diets will be over.

Spices and herbs are the best way to flavor your dishes with many other health and healing benefits without adding calories, sugar, junk and sodium – four things you must avoid when planning your meal weight loss.

Here is a list of ten herbs and spices that can burn fat faster and help you slim down quickly.

  1. Rosemary

Rosemary helps increase metabolic rate, aids digestion and helps with weight loss. This familiar herb in many dishes contains carnosic acid, an antioxidant that promotes weight loss while reducing weight gain and glucose levels in our bodies. These green pointed leaves must be soaked in boiling water for a few minutes.

Researchers have also found more concentrated compounds called polyphenols and flavonoids in rosemary than any other herb. These compounds help to block a type 2 diabetes enzyme, eliminating the possibility of developing the disease.

This herb can be used as a decoction of drinking water that can be taken warm anytime of the day without being hungry. Or add rosemary to your pasta sauce, combined with olive oil and garlic for flavor, which goes great on any egg, chicken or lamb dish too.

Source: Free-Photos

  1. Black Pepper

Korean researchers uncovered piperine, a pungent compound in black pepper, known for its medicinal purposes as well as blasting fat. Basically, it helps increase nutrient absorption in the body and prohibits new fat cells from forming. And it breaks down fat cells efficiently, which is the main goal here.

Not only that, but pepper also contains antioxidants to fight age, reduces inflammation, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels, fights cancer, and improves brain function, and lowers depression. One can combine black pepper and cayenne pepper for better weight loss results. Shake some ground black pepper on all of your everyday meals such as black pepper steak or chicken,…to enhance flavor, promote intestinal health, and have better weight loss results.

  1. Ginger

Ginger enhances metabolism by 20%, accelerating the burning of calories. It can also be used to treat sore throats and other conditions. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the intestines. Ginger has also been shown to have active appetite suppressant properties, helping to ensure that you don’t have cravings. Add it to your tea, salad, fish, fruit and more.

Source: jmexclusives

  1. Green tea

Without a doubt, green tea has always been the best herbal tea for weight loss. It is rich in antioxidants called catechins. One of the catechins called Epigallocatechin gallate is a metabolic booster. Additionally, although green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, caffeine helps stimulate fat burning and better muscle performance. Green tea is also a great appetite suppressant, helping to curb cravings and cause you to eat less if you drink it 30 minutes before a meal.

It is best to use green tea leaves to make a cup of tea. You can drink 4 cups of green tea per day. It is best to drink a cup of green tea 20-30 minutes before a meal.

  1. Oregano

Oregano is known as an antibacterial for its phytonutrients, which can protect your body from disease, viruses, and infections. It also contains carvacrol, which will burn body fat.

This herb in any form has a lot of antioxidants to fight aging and is great for promoting digestion. It is also great for treating headaches, heart disease, allergies, colds and flu, sinus pain, arthritis.

Incorporate oregano in your cooking by using it in pasta sauces, pizza, meat dishes, chicken dishes, potato dishes, sauces, stuffed dishes and salads.


  1. Turmeric

Turmeric, a bright yellow-pigmented root is native to Southern Asia. It has been used as a medicine in India for centuries. Curcumin, a compound responsible for turmeric’s bright color, is also responsible for melting fat. Turmeric helps to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood and helps to reduce inflammation.

Some of its benefits are promoting rapid weight loss, improves gut and skin health. It prevents microbial infections, helps to heal wounds, and reduces pain.

Source: stevepb

  1. Aloe Vera

Several studies show that aloe can boost your metabolism, increasing the number of calories you burn throughout the day to promote weight loss. Aloe vera can help improve blood sugar control, which can help increase the effectiveness of weight loss.

In one study, consuming 300–500 mg aloe capsules twice daily significantly reduced blood sugar levels in 72 people with prediabetes.

Source: casellesingold

  1. Cayenne Pepper

This spice is known to help burn calories while curbing your appetite, preventing hunger, lowering blood pressure, reducing pain and fighting cancer. Just a little cayenne pepper can go a long way and make any dish perfectly spicy and hot. You can add cayenne peppers to chicken, tacos, delicious salsa, or even Mexican-style desserts.

  1. Garlic

This herb has miraculous healing properties, helps treat cardiovascular conditions, improves your immune system and cures the common cold even fights fatal cancer! Recent research has shown that this miraculous herb can melt fat in your waistline. Garlic contains a unique compound called allicin that works to suppress hunger and boost metabolism.

Garlic is easy to buy at the supermarket. You can drink one clove of garlic per day for best results. You can also add garlic to daily recipes for added flavor, flavor and weight loss.

  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has powerful medical benefits and can be easily incorporated into your meals and drinks.

It has antioxidants that reduce triglyceride levels, help transport glucose into cells smoothly, and thus reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by thirty percent. This spice is great for reducing stress and blood sugar, keeping you youthful and reducing inflammation.

Cinnamon is believed to curb cravings, control blood sugar and make you feel full for longer. You can add cinnamon to oatmeal, mix it with yogurt, or add it to tea. It is also a great addition to meat and chicken.

Source: stevepb