Natural Way to Strengthen Your Bones With Top 7 Best Herbs


The health of your bones is increasingly important as you age. Older adults often have a bone loss—low bone density that makes the bones weaker—which leads to an increased risk of fractures. It’s never too early to start thinking about bone health and maximizing your bone health during your younger years helps to lower fracture risk later in life.

A well-thought-out way to prevent osteoporosis early is to get the vitamin D you need. Besides, some natural herbs can be added to your diet to help boost your bone health.

  1. Chamomile

Chamomile tea has long been used as a traditional folk remedy for a variety of health problems. Nowadays, researchers are increasingly studying its effectiveness in treating diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Chamomilla is also famous for its great healing and pain relief when it comes to joint pain (as obesity can lead to joint pain).

If someone has weak bones or conditions like osteoporosis, they must eat chamomile because it contains flavonoids that are good for the bones. It can be taken in tea form or in capsule form. Do not take the capsules without consulting your doctor.

  1. Gotu Kola 

Known as Centella Asiatica, Gotu Kola is consumed as tea or capsule to improve the health of cartilage and ligaments. They are the organs that are responsible for connecting bone joints together. If not taken care of, one can end up suffering from bone or joint pain, especially in older age. If you do a lot of physical jobs, you must add this herb to your diet (herbs to add to the diet for good vision). However, do take your doctor’s recommendation before that.

  1. Hawthorn

The hawthorn berry can be beneficial for bone repair in that it increases blood circulation and oxygenation, aiding in transporting calcium from the bloodstream into the bone. It also stabilises collagen and encourages formation of the bone matrix.

  1. Red Clover

According to research published in the medical journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the compound called formononetin found in red clover helped prevent the development of osteoporosis in animals. 

Drink it in tea form by adding 1 teaspoon of dried flowers per cup of boiled water, let steep for at least 10 minutes, and strain to drink 3 cups daily for best results. 

  1. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is also known as Cymbopogon Citratus is commonly consumed in India. Lemongrass which is added to tea and a couple of other food items enhance the flavour. Besides that, the herb is highly effective in taking care of your bones. If health reports are to be believed, it is great to treat osteoporosis, as it is packed with flavonoids. It improves bone formation and makes it strong with regular consumption. 

  1. Dandelion 

Scientifically known as Taraxacum officinale, dandelion is packed with all the necessary nutrients that are a must o keep your bones strong. Anyone who suffers from conditions like osteoporosis is suggested to consume elements that are rich in calcium. Dandelion is one such herb that is loaded with calcium and silicon. Not only strengthens the bones, but it also repairs them.  

  1. Horsetail 

It is a common herb that is used by experts to strengthen bones. The scientific name of horsetail is Equisetum arvense, which is considered an excellent herb for bone’s healing. Just like calcium, silicon is said to be a vital nutrient that helps the bones to remain strong. Horsetail has both of these elements, making it one of the most significant herbs to maintain connective tissues like ligaments.