Some Wonderful Herbs And Foods For Your Anti Acne Diet

Source: @wayhomestudio

Acne on the face is a real problem for all women, it can affect self-confidence and cause permanent scars on the body over time. The most common reason is that your pores can become clogged with oil, bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt. In this case, pimples or “zit” may appear. Besides, the disease and endocrine problems can also cause acne.

There are many effective treatments for acne that reduce both the number of pimples you get and your chance of scarring. In particular, having a healthy lifestyle and a reasonable diet is an optimal option that can really help your health from both inside and outside.

Which herbs and food can help prevent and release Acne?

  1. Complex Carbohydrates Foods: 

When your blood sugar rises rapidly, it causes the body to secrete a hormone called insulin. Excess insulin in the blood can cause your oil glands to secrete more oil, increasing your risk of acne.

Several recent studies suggest that following a low-glycemic diet, or one that is low in simple sugars, can prevent and improve acne. You can replace food that triggers spikes in insulin including pasta, white rice, white bread, sugar with low-glycemic foods including whole grains, legumes, unprocessed fruits and vegetables,…

  1. Rich Zinc Foods:

Studies also show that consuming zinc-rich foods can be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of acne. Foods rich in zinc include pumpkin seeds, cashews, beef, turkey, quinoa, lentils, and seafood like oysters and crabs.

In a study published in the BioMed Journal of International Research Trusted Sources, researchers looked at the relationship between blood zinc levels and the severity of acne. Zinc is an important mineral for skin development as well as regulating metabolism and hormone levels.

Rich Zinc Foods Source:@yuliyafurman

  1. Manjistha:

Manjistha, which goes by the scientific name Rubia cordifolia is a type of flowering plant from the coffee family Rubiaceae. If you’re looking out for natural ways to cleanse and purify the blood which ultimately leads to remedy a host of health issues, especially skin conditions, this herb will show you its incredible function. 

Research shows that Manjistha has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiandrogenic abilities that may help prevent and treat acne. The presence of bioactive constituents like purpurin, munjistin, xanthopurpurin, Manjistha extensively help in treating skin conditions including pimple, eczema, psoriasis.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma Longa Linn, belongs to the ginger family, turmeric rhizomes contain essential oils, in addition to curcumin. Several preliminary studies confirm that curcumin in turmeric may decrease inflammation in humans. Turmeric can be used for treating acne in both oral and topical applications.

Take note that curcumin can interact with some medications and isn’t recommended for people with gallbladder disease.

Turmeric Source: stevepb

  1. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is a plant in the succulent family. The antibacterial qualities of aloe are probably what make it effective for topical use to treat acne.

Aloe vera has been studied when used in conjunction with traditional anti-acne medication, and the results were promising. We know that aloe vera has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It’s been used for centuries to cleanse wounds, kill pain, and heal burns. Very few people are allergic to it, and applying it topically poses an extremely low risk (as long as you’re not allergic to it).

Aloe Vera Source: mozo190